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http://epa.gov  - US Environmental  Protection Agency web site

http://www.epa.gov/kids/  - US EPA site describing what kids can do to be green

http://www.ecoaction.gc.ca/index-eng.cfm   - Canada’s version of the EPA

http://www.nasa.gov/vision/earth/environment/ozone_resource_page.html - NASA page about the ozone layer

Animal Rights:

http://vegetarians.com  - Our sister site

http://peta.org  - People for the ethical treatment of animals

http://happycow.net  - Non chain restaurants where vegetarians can eat; please note that most of the information on this site is posted by users so you should verify the information before eating at any place

http://Sierraclub.com  - Enviro. club which does everything from sue polluters to organize save the trees .. .whales, etc. sit ins

http://nature.org  – This is the Nature Conservancy website.  They provide information and organization for how to be green

http://www.uwsp.edu/cnr/wcee/EnvSci/pdf/Clubs/SectOne.pdf   - how to start a green club at school

http://www.thegreenguide.com/personal-care/dirty-dozen   - 12 toxins in beauty products

http://eco.org - Green Jobs Site